So ladies, among the usual list of resolutions we make ourselves every year (#gymlife), why not add a few more, because I know an area of our life where we need some TLC.
Here’s my top 5 Hair Resolutions for 2016, your mane will thank me;)
>1< Quality vs. Quantity
We are all guilty of saving for that special Naked palette to come out because their pigments are so bomb diggity and the quality shows. Big word QUALITY! Instead of reaching for that Pantene 2 in 1, how about for next time trying some actual salon quality products that’ll give your hair a bigger bang for every buck.
>2< Nothing Wrong with being a Dirty Girl
According to Angela Lamb, MD, “shampoo traps oils, so if you do it too frequently, you may dry out your hair, leaving it prone to breakage.” Not only that, but why not lengthen that blowout from the day before. For me dry shampoo is my best friend, specifically Living Proof’s PhD Dry Shampoo. It creates a burst of cool air, leaving your scalp clean with a refreshed feeling.
>3< Woosah
Pamper yourself and throw on a deep conditioning mask. I usually do an at home treatment, like my MOIL Weightless Hydrating Mask, once a week to help from the abuse I put on my frail ends. After I shampoo my hair I work the mask from the ends up, and comb through, then wait 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and the end. An easy peasy routine, that’s well worth it.
>4< Cut it Out
Literally! I have one too many girls who sit in my chair telling me they are getting their annual trim because they want to “grow” their hair out. Not having a maintained haircut can lead to plenty of breakage and can usually leave your tendrils looking sickly thin. Rule of thumb is to at least schedule cuts every 8 to 12 weeks. Ask your hairstylist about an Olaplex treatment to strengthen your hair if you see noticeable breakage.
>5< Think Out of the Box
Not only box dye but come on, how’s about that “new year, new Me”BS!? Put down the scrunchies, the excuse of “I don’t know how to use a curling iron.” Free that ponytail and commit to that new epic you!
This year my hair resolution is a little bit more effort than just dry shampoo. Bedhead hair can look great but not when it’s literally disgusting. Just because that quote “I just woke up like this” should at least look cute. Haha
Feeling Inspired? What are some of your resolutions? Comment below.